Land Registry Practice Guide Boundary Agreements

Land Registry Practice Guide: Understanding Boundary Agreements

Boundary disputes are a common issue when it comes to property ownership and management. With the land registry practice guide, property owners can have a better understanding of boundary agreements to avoid or resolve such conflicts. In this article, we will discuss boundary agreements and how they work.

What are boundary agreements?

A boundary agreement is a legally binding agreement between neighboring property owners to settle any potential disputes over the location of their property boundaries. It is a way to document and establish the precise location of a property line. Boundary agreements may be executed when there is uncertainty or disagreement about the exact location of the boundary line.

Boundary agreements can be entered into by the property owners themselves, but it is best to involve a professional surveyor and legal expert in the process. A surveyor can help establish the precise location of the boundary, while a legal expert can ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.

Benefits of boundary agreements

Boundary agreements are beneficial in many ways. First, they help avoid costly and prolonged legal battles over property lines. Second, they help preserve neighborly relations by settling disputes amicably and fairly. Third, they give property owners peace of mind by providing clear and unambiguous documentation of the boundary line.

It is essential to note that boundary agreements are legally binding and enforceable. Once executed, the agreement becomes part of the property`s title register and remains binding on all future property owners.

Process of boundary agreements

The process of boundary agreements includes the following steps:

1. Contact a professional surveyor to survey the property and establish the boundary line.

2. Contact a legal expert to draft a legally binding agreement.

3. Agree with your neighbor on the terms of the agreement.

4. Execute the agreement and have it signed by all parties involved.

5. Register the agreement with the land registry.


Boundary agreements provide a practical and cost-effective way to settle disputes over property boundaries. They help avoid prolonged legal battles, preserve neighborly relations, and give property owners peace of mind. If you have a boundary dispute with your neighbor, consider entering into a boundary agreement. Before executing any agreement, it is advisable to consult with a professional surveyor and legal expert to ensure that the agreement is legally binding and enforceable.