Sample Cdbg Subrecipient Agreement

A Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federal program that aims to provide funding for communities to support a wide range of activities, including housing, economic development, and public facilities. However, CDBG funding is often channeled through subrecipients, such as non-profit organizations and local governments, to ensure that the benefits reach the intended target population.

To facilitate a smooth and effective CDBG program, subrecipients are required to sign a subrecipient agreement with the grantee, which outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership. A sample CDBG subrecipient agreement typically contains the following sections:

1. Purpose: This section outlines the general objective of the agreement and how it supports the overall goals of the CDBG program.

2. Definitions: This section defines key terms used in the agreement, such as « grant funds, » « performance measures, » and « monitoring. »

3. Scope and Activities: This section lists the specific activities that the subrecipient will undertake using the CDBG grant funds and the expected outcomes.

4. Performance Measures and Goals: This section defines the performance measures that will be used to evaluate the subrecipient`s progress and the goals that the subrecipient is expected to achieve.

5. Budget and Reimbursement: This section outlines the budget for the subrecipient`s activities and the process for requesting and receiving reimbursement for eligible expenses.

6. Monitoring and Reporting: This section explains how the grantee will monitor the subrecipient`s performance and the reporting requirements, including frequency and format.

7. Compliance and Legal Requirements: This section outlines the legal and compliance requirements that the subrecipient must follow, including nondiscrimination, environmental review, and record keeping.

8. Termination and Remedies: This section outlines the grounds for termination of the agreement and the remedies available to the grantee in case of breach.

It is essential that subrecipients carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the subrecipient agreement before signing it. Any misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the agreement could lead to noncompliance, termination of the grant, and reputational damage. Therefore, it is recommended that subrecipients consult with experienced attorneys and grant writers to ensure that their obligations and responsibilities are clearly defined and achievable.

In conclusion, a sample CDBG subrecipient agreement is a critical tool for ensuring that CDBG funding is disbursed effectively and reaches the intended recipients. By following the guidelines and requirements outlined in the agreement, subrecipients can help advance the broader goals of the CDBG program and promote the economic and social development of their communities.